Puchong residents oppose giving new development access to Jalan Intan 2/1

Taman Puchong Intan is already facing parking issues, claim residents who are worried the situation will worsen later. — Photos: ART CHEN/The Star

RESIDENTS of Taman Puchong Intan Phase 2 in Puchong, Selangor, are against the plan to give a new apartment project in their neighbourhood direct access to Jalan Intan 2/1.

Residents claim that Jalan Intan 2/1, which connects to Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP), is heavily used by motorists, especially during peak hours.

The three-block apartment project comprises over 1,000 units.

More traffic would contribute to congestion, and compromise the safety and security of the terrace-house residents, they said.

Resident S. Devavarman said more vehicles would use Jalan Intan 2/1 once residents moved into the apartments.

Devavarman says it may not be safe for children to use Jalan Intan 2/1 if the road is busy.
Devavarman says it may not be safe for children to use Jalan Intan 2/1 if the road is busy.“The terrace houses are not gated or guarded.

“Residents are vigilant when we see unfamiliar vehicles entering our neighbourhood, because there have been robberies in the past,” he said.

“If the road is going to be used by the apartment residents, we will not be able to identify outsiders,” he stressed.

He also said that many children frequented the field and playground on Jalan Intan 2/1.

“In the evenings, children use Jalan Intan 2/1 to get to the playground.

“It may not be safe for the children to use the road if it is constantly busy,” he said.

RK Ravindran said a complaint was lodged with Subang Jaya City Council (MBSJ) and the police regarding the road being linked to the apartment project.

“The residents were never consulted on the matter,” he said.

“We objected to the apartment project too, citing reasons such as congestion and parking problems but these went unheard.

“If apartment residents are allowed access to Jalan Intan 2/1, we fear motorists will park their vehicles along the road,” he added.

Devavarman said the neighbourhood was already facing parking issues due to a change of access for the existing apartments in their area in 2022.

“Intan Apartment’s main access used to be on Jalan Intan 4, facing empty land,” he noted.

“The access was moved to Jalan Intan 2, which faces housing and commercial areas, when the management extended its carpark in 2022.

“Since then, many Intan Apartment residents have been parking their vehicles along Jalan Intan 2, at the commercial area (opposite their apartments) and near the terrace houses.

“There have been many altercations regarding parking.”

He said residents feared a similar situation could occur if the new apartment project’s direct access was onto Jalan Intan 2/1.

MBSJ had yet to comment at press time.


Source link: thestar