Attention parents! If you do not want your child to return to school classes, you must write a letter to inform! [Attached is a sample notification letter

Attention Parents! If you do not feel comfortable allowing your child to return to school, you may write to the school stating your reasons and that the student will not be subject to disciplinary action or punishment.

The Department of Education understands the parent’s feelings and therefore leaves it up to the parent or guardian to decide whether or not to allow their child to return to school.

If parents feel that it is unsafe to return their child to school and are concerned that their child will be punished or that action will be taken, there is no need to worry as the Ministry of Education will not take disciplinary action and will simply write a letter to the school stating the reason for the decision for the record.

The Minister of Education said that the main purpose of sending students back to school is to bring students closer to school life and also to allow teachers to carefully observe students’ learning and find out appropriate teaching programs.

The following is a sample letter provided by the teachers of Kuching Primary School and Klang Guanghua Independent Secondary School in Sarawak.

▼Sample Letter I

▼Sample Letter II

Source: Leesharing